Front Yard Landscape Design, Forest Hills, SC

HomeLandscape Design, Forest Hills, SCFront Yard Landscape Design, Forest Hills, SC

transform your front yard into a spot that’s uniquely yours.

Your landscape should get better with age. If you feel like your front yard has looked the same for years and you’re ready for a change, turn to us at Bare Roots Gardening.

We know that envisioning what a dynamic, living landscape will look like over the month, or even the next year, is a challenge. We have over a decade of experience with front yard landscape design, and we can turn your front yard into an outdoor oasis that celebrates seasonal change and excites the senses, all without an extreme level of maintenance.

why should you work with us?

We believe in the power of “landscaping with love.” To us, your front yard landscape design is much more than another project – it’s a labor of love that requires our dedicated attention.

Work with us in the Forest Hills area of Columbia, South Carolina, and we’ll do so much more than just make your yard look pretty. We design landscapes that:

  • Require minimal maintenance but still look beautiful
  • Encourage a sense of connection between plants, people, and places
  • Shift and evolve with the seasons of the year and the seasons of your life
  • Add value, beauty, and a sense of peace and beauty to every home’s exterior

make your front yard come to life

Our family-owned and -operated business is excited to transform your front yard and show you what it’s like to fall in love with your landscaping. Contact us now to find out how we create a front yard landscape design for your home that grows and evolves with you.

At Bare Roots Gardening, we proudly offer front yard landscape design services for customers in Columbia, West Columbia, Shandon, Melrose Heights, Forest Hills, Elmwood Park Historic District, and Earlewood, South Carolina.

love your landscape.

With Bare Roots Gardening, your yard becomes more than just a landscape. It becomes an extension of your home. A place to relax, entertain, and connect with nature. Let us help you transform your yard into a living landscape that grows and evolves with you.

ready to transform your yard?

Contact us today to start your journey toward landscaping that looks good, feels good, and does good. 

how can we help you?

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